Gemstone Moon


Rose Quartz is a gentle and tender crystal, and holds metaphysical properties centered around love, compassion, and emotional healing. Known as the "Stone of Love," it emanates a soothing energy that nurtures all forms of love—self-love, romantic love, and unconditional love for others. Its connection to the Heart Chakra promotes emotional balance and healing, helping to release past hurts, traumas, and negative emotions. Rose Quartz encourages forgiveness, empathy, and understanding, fostering harmonious relationships and a sense of inner peace. This crystal's delicate pink hue symbolizes love's universal essence, making it a cherished tool for cultivating self-acceptance, deepening connections, and inviting an abundance of love and compassion into one's life.

Howlite is the crystal of productivity & focus. It helps enhance mental awareness, clarity and motivation, while also emitting a calm and peaceful energy. If you tend to overthink, become stressed or even reach burnout, Howlite is the best crystal for reigniting motivation and bringing ease and comfort. Whether you are wanting to complete tasks, get immersed in your work or studies, brainstorm new ideas, or finish your to-do list, Howlite is the best crystal to help evoke a more focused & productive atmosphere. 

Green Aventurine is a stone of opportunity and prosperity, and is cherished for its metaphysical properties that center around luck, growth, and well-being. Often referred to as the "Stone of Opportunity," Green Aventurine is believed to attract positive outcomes, encouraging abundance and success in various aspects of life. With its soothing green color, this crystal is associated with the Heart Chakra, promoting emotional healing, harmony, and balance. It's thought to enhance optimism, creativity, and decisiveness, while also helping to release old patterns and negative thought patterns. Green Aventurine's gentle energy is used to inspire personal growth, nurturing a sense of inner strength and confidence as one navigates new opportunities and adventures in life.

*Price is per piece*