Gemstone Heart


Quartz is a magnifying stone. It amplifies the energy of anything around it, and even intentions you put into it. It can help aid in manifestation by intensifying the energy behind your desires, and even give a boost to your own personal energy. Quartz is good for manifesting anything and everything you desire since it boosts the energy of whatever it surrounds into love and light and expansion. This gorgeous gem also offers tons of insight by decreasing mental fog and promoting clarity of mind and helping to find solutions or answers, like taking a magnifying glass to any part of your life that you require. Be prepared to amplify the energies around you, increase your ability to manifest, and also get clear on what no longer serves you. Since this stone will magnify everything, it will offer the clearest insight to what you don't need in your life any longer, and also amplify what you DO really want.

Rose Quartz is a gentle and tender crystal, and holds metaphysical properties centered around love, compassion, and emotional healing. Known as the "Stone of Love," it emanates a soothing energy that nurtures all forms of love—self-love, romantic love, and unconditional love for others. Its connection to the Heart Chakra promotes emotional balance and healing, helping to release past hurts, traumas, and negative emotions. Rose Quartz encourages forgiveness, empathy, and understanding, fostering harmonious relationships and a sense of inner peace. This crystal's delicate pink hue symbolizes love's universal essence, making it a cherished tool for cultivating self-acceptance, deepening connections, and inviting an abundance of love and compassion into one's life.

*Price is per piece*